A to Z Team [2014]
Arlee Bird: Tossing it OutAlex J. Cavanaugh: Alex J. Cavanaugh
Stephen Tremp: Author Stephen Tremp
Tina Downey: Life is Good
Damyanti Biswas: Amlokiblogs
Jeremy Hawkins: [Being Retro]
Nicole Ayers: The Madlab Post
M. J. Joachim: M. J. Joachim's Writing Tips
Heather M. Gardner: The Waiting is the Hardest Part
AJ Lauer: Naturally Sweet
Pam Margolis: An Unconventional Librarian
"W" - the end is almost here, only three more days of the A-Z Challenge and it will come to a close for another year. The hardest three letters are yet to come.
I have yet another teaser / excerpt from "Forces of Mist."

Replaying her encounter over and over inside her head, she had mixed feelings about having a second encounter with this powerful stranger. With him having a natural force of such intense power, enabling him to lift her vehicle across such a wide valley and landing it without damage on the other side, was a miracle. How would humanity ever be able to win this battle?
Ensuring she was not being followed and taking precautions to turn off her communication devices, Sandy approached the hidden base just before sunset and was welcomed inside by one of her friends, who was on duty in the hanger.
Kara moved over to Sarah as she went through the necessary protocols, shutting down her vehicle and gathering up her equipment, “Where the hell have you been? The commander is going ape shit! You were supposed to report three hours ago!” she screamed, angrily.
“Well, hi there Kara! Thanks for being so concerned for my butt.”
Kara smiled at her friends comment and gave her an affectionate punch in the shoulder.
“I think it is best if I report directly to the commander about my experience, and reasons, so I will have to leave you hanging. Hey, but it’s all good, I think.”
With this comment hanging heavily in the air between them, Sarah walked away. She headed to her quarters, to gather a change of clothes. She wanted to use the community showers before making her report. She needed some time to work out exactly what she wanted to divulge and whether or not to share her experience with the commander. She knew Kara would understand why she walked away.
When she emerged from the shower Commander Walker was waiting in the hall. “Sarah, you have not officially checked in, why?”
“Can we go somewhere to talk?”
The alphabet sure did go by quickly. I have no idea what my x & z words are going to be... yet.
I enjoyed your exerpt. Good luck!
Very cool that we are nearly there! I feel that a lot of us are getting a bit fatigued at this point in the journey ... I know I am!
I can't wait to read this story in order!
Intriguing. What did she tell him I Wonder.
I'm with Alex. I'd like to read it in order. The pieces pulled me in.
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