What is Indie Life?
How: Sign up on the Linky at the bottom of this page
When: Post on the second Wednesday of the month (starting 1/9/2013)
What: Write anything indie related: something that will inspire or help a fellow indie; something that celebrates a release or a milestone; something that talks about the ups and downs, joys and heartaches of Being Indie.
Grab: The banner above to include in your posts!
Wow, the months are just flying by!
This month has been a great one for me, my writing is progressing well and I have found new beta readers and another critique partner.
Not boasting or anything(well not much), but I was excited to be a winner in the Thrill of It All Blogfest, hosted by Tara Tyler and Heather M. Gardner. I posted a short excerpt from one of my current WIP's, a sci-fi set in an apocalyptic Sydney, Australia, ten to twenty years in the future.
I encourage new and experienced writers, to enter blogfests and competitions, such as these because they help writers, especially Indie Writers, to gain encouragement from peers while allowing followers to taste your work. Reading the comments left by visitors, gives authors an insight into whether the story being developed will be interesting to others or not. The more positive the feedback you receive, the more your spirit is uplifted, encouraging the continuation of the story to be written.
I think it is important for Indie Writers to have opportunities like these to learn if they are hitting the mark with their writing or not, and if not, be able to work to rectify where needed. We should not feel discouraged by negative comments, but take on the advice and grow from it to improve.
Although I have not received many negative comments, I know how it feels to receive one. I know it is a hard thing to do, but writers should try not to take them personally, but use them as tools to improve their writing.
Indie Writers rely on their network of blogger peers and other followers more than traditional writers to gain feedback on their writing and if they are unwilling to take on comments received, to improve their work where necessary, I believe they will stagnate and not grow.
There is definitely a great support network online and many opportunities to grow specific writing techniques while still having a blast!
I completely agree. Getting feedback is the way to make us and our stories better, you can't do that if you only receive praise. I actually enjoy giving and getting critiques and I've come a long way since the first story I wrote. :)
If they aren't willing to receive feedback, they'll never make it anyway.
OH a big congratulations on your achievement! What satisfying feedback this must be for you. :)
Woo hoo on your win for Thrill of it all.
The network on the blogs is so valuable. I'd be lost w/o it.
Being able to cope with a critique is hard, but necessary in order to improve, I agree.
Congrats on winning the blogfest, sounds like fun!
Rinelle Grey
Glad you've gotten positive feedback. I gave a book a negative review recently and trust me it's not a happy day for the reader either. Congrats on your blogfest win.
This is great, congrats!
Yay for new beta readers and critique partners!!! :)
Winning deserves a bit of bragging! Congratulations.
Good job getting the new partners to help with your writing, Carolyn. Having a good team behind you is a huge help. Happy weekend, everyone.
Congratulations, Carolyn! Yes, it's definitely true that other bloggers are so supportive. They really help lift your spirits.
Happy weekend, everyone.
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