So here is my entry!

Suzie always tried her hardest in everything she attempted to do, but with her depleted motor skills she found some tasks almost impossible to complete.
Being a student with special needs did not deter her from
volunteering for the various committees the students were allowed to partake
in. She gave up a lot of her free time
to help others, even though she struggled with her own issues.
Her teachers wished that some of her peers who were far more
capable would partake in supporting others with the drive and passion Suzie
One day during Art class, where it was necessary for her to
use fine motor skills to complete a specific task, she became frustrated and
lost control. Her fellow students were
shocked and her Art teacher stood looking on in surprise, dumbfounded by her
A boy who sat up the back of the room came forward and took
Suzie’s hand, gently coaxing her from the floor. He led her to the easel and carefully placed
the brush in her fingers and gently persuaded her to continue with her work,
guiding her hand precisely through the task.
Suzie was ecstatic to see the fine detail of her work and
gave James a high five. They were both
smiling as were her classmates and teacher.
For the rest of the year James helped Suzie to perfect the use of her
brush, teaching her the techniques needed to perform the delicate tasks.
James took the challenge head on, quietly helping Suzie to
achieve the results expected from the rest of the class. By the end of the year she had completed all
of her requested Art Assignments and had produced some amazing work with the
ongoing support from her fellow classmate, James.
On awards night she was presented a special award for Art
excellence, which she accepted humbly, stating that without the help of her
friend James, it would not have been possible.
James was asked onto the stage and was also presented with a Community Spirit
award for helping Suzie to achieve the results she did.
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That's a sweet story. And one that is familiar for one of my sons. He used to struggle a lot with his fine motor skills.
Hi, Carolyn,
Frustration can and does lead out to meltdowns and like you showed, it' great to have helping hands around. Totally realistic take.
nice to see you doing this and a story that fits. :-)
I'm not much for doing flash fiction and admire those that can pop it out there.
A lovely, inspiring story, Carolyn. It gives an insight into the nature of friendship and the amazing things that can be achieved through it. I don't think Suzie would ever have asked for help, but I'm glad she accepted it!
Thank you for taking part!
Great story, CM, and a fine addition to Nick's efforts. :-) Trying to make the rounds to everyone today, and to fight off the tears. (I've read so many touching entries so far, including yours.)
What a heartwarming story!
All it takes is one person to make a difference to someone else.
They did it together!
A wonderful example of beating the odds through perseverance together with ongoing moral support...
Stina - Thanks for the visit and the comment.
J.L. - Frustration in anyone can lead to meltdowns, me included!
Nick - It was a pleasure to be a part of your blog hop, for such a moving and important reason.
E.J. - Thank you for stopping by!
Nicole - I am glad you liked it.
L. Diane - You comment is very true!
Alex - Everyone needs a little help sometimes!
Ooo, I really like this. What a great entry!
That's such a sweet story. :)
Kelley - Thanks for the lovely comment!
Melissa - Thanks Melissa.
I'm not sure if my last comment went through. I received an error. :(
I loved your flash fiction. The way you tied the community service with a child who was so giving was amazing. Loved it.
Aww, James is a sweetie! Nice story. :)
This is so sweet, <3 James for helping Suzie, and glad she didn't give up. (:
Hi, Carolyn,
Very heartwarming story.... The frustration was clearly felt.
Ciara - Thanks!
Trisha - Nice of you to stop by, glad the story touched you.
Elise - Thanks, yes the help was important.
Michael - Thanks for the comment Michael.
I can relate to Suzie's tantrum. Sweet story that James was there to come to the rescue.
Such a sweet and heartwarming story! Brought tears to my eyes.
Such an uplifting story of helping others. Beautiful entry! :)
A great story, showing compassion from others.
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