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Monday, 28 January 2013


The Re-Introduce  Myself Blogfest is brought to you by 
Stephen Tremp, and myself).

Actually, I do not think I have actually introduced myself officially a first time, so here it is. 

Hi, I am Carolyn and welcome to my blog!

I am pursuing the avenue of being a writer, but I have worked in many trades prior to this, Bank Officer (Teller, Ledger Supervisor, Proof Supervisor) / Waitress / Bar Assistant / Restaurant, Bar Manager / Data Entry Operator / Receptionist  / HR Officer Education Assistant.

Excelling at Microsoft Excel and having a photographic memory help me to be quite organized in all areas of my life.

I have now self-published two books: He Came For Me and He Came For Mine, both from the same series, The Protectors.  Now here's a little secret - He Came For Me was the very first novel I have ever attempted to write!

In my personal life, I am happily married (21 years) and have two children. One boy and a girl, who are both quite talented, artistically. My favourite past times are walking along the beach and swimming. I also enjoy reading, of course writing, playing video games (Final Fantasy, Residental Evil, Diablo, The Sims and lots more), camping and going to music festivals.

Well, I hope you will join in and share a couple of secrets with us! Maybe you could share the answers to some of these questions - What industries have you worked in? What are your interests? Do you enjoy similar past times as myself?

 Thanks for participating,




Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You got married when you were twelve, didn't you?
And being organized really helps with the writing and blogging.
Thanks for hosting the blogfest, Carolyn!

Unknown said...

Alex - A lady never reveals her age, but thanks for the compliment.

Nick Wilford said...

Hey, I've worked in some of those industries. (Barman, waiter, data entry.) Bet you met some interesting characters along the way.

Photographic memory - I could definitely do with that!

Elise Fallson said...

Hi Carolyn! Great to re-meet you. (; Sometimes I wish I had a photographic memory.

Laura Eno said...

Nice to (re)meet you, Carolyn. :)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Nice to meet you Carolyn! I love to play video games too. I learned a lot about life from the Sims!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Awesome. I'd love to have a photographic memory.

Great to "meet" you!

Tim Brannan, The Other Side.

Suzi said...

Photographic memory. How cool.

I've been an engineer. (more so mom over these last 8 years.) And now I want be that writer. Or I mean, published author. I already do write. :)

Azara said...

I also spend a lot of time with Microsoft Excel, since I'm an accountant. You've had quite a diverse series of jobs! I've never worked outside my field (not counting fast food and retail jobs as a teenager).

Nice to meet you!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Wow. You're pretty fascinating!

And I don't mean that in a stalker-ish way. :)

Thanks for sharing with us and best of luck!

Unknown said...

Twenty-one years! That's fantastic. How fun to introduce ourselves to someone new! Check us out at http://citymusecountrymuse2012.blogspot.com/

A.J. Frey said...

Thanks so much for the blogfest. Wow, first book written and it actually was published--that is impressive. Gives me hope. Nice to meet you!

Jackie said...

I wish I was organized like you. I think it could help me a lot in the long run! But, instead, I choose to organize in a chaotic way. *sigh* :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn. Nice to meet you. That's cool you play video games. My nephews would love it if I did, too. But, I am pretty good at Angry Bird Star Wars. That's really only because I am obsessed with StarWars.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn. Nice to meet you. That's cool you play video games. My nephews would love it if I did, too. But, I am pretty good at Angry Bird Star Wars. That's really only because I am obsessed with StarWars.

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you. We share some common interests, married 20+ years, waitress, boy and girl, writing, now if I only had a photographic memory...

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Oh I would love to have a photographic memory. I'm so jealous. Thanks for being a host of this great blog fest. :)

Tamara said...

I've got you beat by four years in the marriage department. haha. Yay for us, right? I see all these people in Hollywood break up after months or a year or two and just shake my head. Why even get married? Do they think every year is going to be an easy one? But anything worth having is worth working for, right? :)

Nice to learn more about you!

kjmckendry said...

I wish I was organized! I've worked as a horticulture lab assistant, data entry person, and a figure skating coach.

Nicole said...

Congrats on the two books. It's fun to hear a little more about you and what you're working on.

Al Diaz said...

Nice to meet you Carolyn. I write (or try to) I paint and my memory is a broken camera (trying to fix that). :)

Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, Carolyn,

It's nice to reacquaint myself with you again. I have visited from time to time.... But always see you around the blogosphere.

Glad to see you get out from under the computer ... movement is so important for writers. I try to motivate fellow bloggers to move, because I fell in the trap when I first started writing. GAVE up all exercise and ate everything in sight... LOL. After fifty plus pounds I took my life back.

michelle said...

You self-published the very first novel you attempted to write? Wow! There's hope for me yet...
Nice to re-meet you Carolyn!

S.P. Bowers said...

I'm a WOW player myself. But only on weekends as weekdays are devoted to writing.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You have lots of experience in different fields. Thanks for organizing this blogfest.

Yolanda Renée said...

Nice to meet you Carolyn, I'm glad to see that your first book was published, so many times you hear write the first one and put it in a draw.

Nancy Thompson said...

Photographic memory? Wow, lucky you! I am so envious.

M said...

I've worked in film and publishing and done some stage work as well. But now I'm back to the writing side of things--have had some plays produced, am close to having a short film produced, have been published. I enjoy reading and writing and going for long car drives with my radio cranked up. (Geez, I'm starting to sound like a personal ad, so I think I'll stop now.)

~M Pepper Langlinais

M Pax said...

Congrats on 21 years! We're coming up on 19. I used to play Sims, but haven't for ages.

Christine Rains said...

It's nice to get to know more about you! :) I love reading, writing, video games, and camping too. I've been a shoe salesperson, a security guard, and a nanny.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Carolyn,
By the sound of it, you've done quite a bit in terms of work. I get sheepish whenever people talk about swimming. I live on an island and the closest I've gotten to swimming is gliding.

Mark Means said...

Great to meet you, Carolyn and thanks for hosting such a great hop. It's neat finding out little tidbits about everyone and you had me at "Final Fantasy"....I loved that game (and it's sequels) :)

historywriter said...

Nice to meet you. I self-published a novel too. Querying another. Thanks for setting this up

Tyrean Martinson said...

Industries - teaching, proofreading, fast food (high school),dishwashing (college), boat washing/scrubbing for a yacht sales place, and that's about it. I've been married 16 years, have two kids, and love water.
Great post - sigh, I wish I could do mine all over again - a re-re-introduce myself?

Shell Flower said...

You sound like a seriously amazing go-getter. I was pretty much just going to music festivals when I was your age. Good job. You'll go far in life!

Krista McLaughlin said...

You've worked in a lot of different careers! I've worked as a summer camp cook, an art supply sales clerk, a Starbucks barista, and an Infant teacher (my current job). I definitely like the last one better.

Also, the Sims are awesome! It's a little like writing; playing and creating lives for characters. :)

Nice to meet you!

Jessica Salyer said...

Great getting to know you better. Congrats on being married 21 years- that's great! Thanks for hosting this blogfest.

Kern Windwraith said...

Thanks for hosting, Carolyn, and nice to meet you! Like you, I'm a writer, but not published at this point. We'll see what the future holds. Right now I'm working for a health non-profit during the day and trying to cram in the writing in my spare time.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

You were able to publish the first novel you tried to write? Excellent CM! Oh and I'm jealous of the photographic memory. Your re-introduction just makes you awesome. Loved it.

Unknown said...

Hey, Carolyn!

Having a photographic memory must be awesome! I used to own a hair salon, but closed shop to be a full time writer. It's great meeting you! Happy writing! :)

Mel Chesley said...

Hi there! Let's see, I've been married to hubby #3 for 11 years. 1 & 2 didn't even last half that for a myriad of reasons. I write fantasy, play World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online and Star Wars. Haven't had much time for gaming lately, my friends probably think I've gone and left them. Very nice to meet you! Drop by my blog if you have a chance. www.caledonialass.blogspot.com

Tammy Theriault said...

holy moly, that's some good resume building right there! i did data entry for a warehouse once, i have to admit, one of my fav jobs.

Christopher Hudson said...

What's the opposite of photographic memory? I'd tell you, but I can't remember what it is ...

Laura Clipson said...

Great reintroduction! I love the Sims, haven't been able to play it in so long though! Also Diablo, although it used to scare the heck out of me!

Samantha May said...

I am far past obsessed with The Sims. It's just so entertaining!

I've mostly worked in retail. I did food service for two weeks and was not cut out for it :D

dolorah said...

Hi Carolyn. You've had an interesting career life. I've been a waitress - food and coctail both - and worked fast food, clerical, and any number other odd jobs. The neat thing is it all helps with the story writing as you get to know a variety of "characters".


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C.M. Brown's books on Goodreads
He Came For Me He Came For Me (The Protector, #1)
reviews: 19
ratings: 20 (avg rating 3.30)

He Came for Mine He Came for Mine (The Protector, #2)
reviews: 2
ratings: 3 (avg rating 3.67)