run in the woods wouldn't matter, or so thinks werewolf Stefanie Porter. Being
cooped up in her apartment for months must have messed up her instincts,
because her former pack almost catches her until a mysterious lone wolf jumps
in to help Stefanie escape.
cruel Alpha Wyatt not only stole her pack but refuses to give Stefanie her
freedom. She can't hide in her apartment any longer or it will drive her crazy.
She puts her trust in the lone wolf who can teach her some of his unusual urban
survival tricks. James Roberts might be a bit geeky, but he's smart and looks
hot when the argyle sweater comes off. His ridiculous ambition to become a
superhero might be admirable if Wyatt couldn't rip him limb from limb.
the pack scouring the city for her, Stefanie must convince James to teach her
and control her own Alpha nature, or fight not only for her life, but his as
Author Bio

Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and
geek mom. She has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood, but make her
a great Jeopardy player. When she's not writing or reading, she having
adventures with her son or watching cheesy movies on Syfy Channel. She's a
member of S.C.I.F.I. The 13th Floor
series is her first self-published series. She has three novellas and sixteen
short stories published.
And here is an excerpt from 1302 The Alpha
to an hour went by, and she found herself on the second floor running her
fingers along the spines of used books. Subjects she'd never read like calculus
and others she'd love to read like history and mythology.
“Need help finding anything?”
Stefanie shook her head before he
even finished speaking. “No, thanks.”
She froze, the voice finally
registering. It wasn't one she'd ever heard before, but somehow it seemed
familiar. She turned slowly as if rotating on a pedestal.
The young man who had asked the
question wasn't an employee. No tacky vest over a shirt with the collar up. He
stood about three inches taller than her five foot seven and had a lean
skateboarder's body. Sneakers and jeans and a fitted argyle sweater. Black
rimmed glasses and dark brown hair that was styled to look mussed.
Pretty damn good-looking if you were
into that whole hipster thing. Argyle. Really?
In one hand, with his index finger
holding his place, he held a comic book. Some boys just never grew up.
“Are you sure?” His smile was
teasing, but it twitched. His muscles were tense, not matching his relaxed
Hearing his voice again, Stefanie
cocked her head to the side and breathed in deeply. A hint of incense, Old
Spice deodorant, fresh mint as if he'd just popped one into his mouth before
speaking to her, and under it, the scent of male. More of a male than he looked
with that sweater.
A second breath and she caught it.
The woods.
But she couldn't smell wolf.
That wasn't right. Her instincts
were never wrong. Stefanie stepped closer, nose near his neck. He started to
move back, but she snatched his shirt. “Don't move.”
“Um, okay.” He stood still as she
sniffed him and then cleared his throat. “May I ask your name before you decide
to get any friendlier?”
Nothing. Absolutely nothing, but it
was the wolf that had helped her. She tugged him farther back into the stacks
where an overhead light had fizzled out. Only then did she let him go.
“How are you doing it?”
“What?” He blinked, and then tried
another smile on her. “You mean how did I just get a gorgeous woman to pull me
into a dark corner to be alone?”
“I don't play games, wolf.” Stefanie
put her hands on her hips. Bigger wolves had cowered before her. Argyle would
answer her questions whether he wanted to or not. If she could learn his trick,
the pack would never find her. “Why can't I get your scent? Even last night, it
was barely there.”
He wet his lips and adjusted his glasses.
Looking down, he fingered the corner of his book for about ten seconds before
lifting his head again. “You're much more forward than I'd have thought. I
figured we'd talk a bit, maybe introduce ourselves, have a cup of coffee before
we jumped into this.”
“We know who we are, and coffee only
makes me aggressive. Tell me how you're doing it.”
“Aggressive?” He raised his brows
and almost grinned, but she scowled at him and chased it away. “I'm James, by
the way. And you, with the sharp nose, may I ask your name?”
“No.” Stefanie snapped. “So Jimmy,
are you going to tell me or do I have to force you into submission?”
You can find The Alpha using the links below:
I wish you the greatest success, Christine!
Can't wait to read it, Christine!
A werewolf in an argyle sweater, too funny. These two are already very cute together.
I love this excerpt! :)
Thank you, everyone! I'm happy you like you it.
Thank you for hosting me, Carolyn! :)
Great excerpt! Nice dynamic between them.
Thanks, Nick! They were one of my favorite couples to write.
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