


https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/82996         http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/he-came-for-mine?keyword=he+came+for+mine&store=ebook

Monday 10 December 2012


The Gift Card Giveaway Hop will run from 
December 11th to 17th.

Mary from Sweeping Me is co-hosting this hop with I Am A Reader, Not A Writer

For this Hop I will be giving away one 
$25 Amazon Gift Card
All you need to do is fill in the 
Rafflecopter for your chance to win!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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L.G. Keltner said...

I love these giveaways! They're so much fun, and they're a great way to get into the Christmas mood!

My Christmas wish is to see my kids have a great Christmas. Since having kids, that seems to be the most important part for me.

Unknown said...

Wow, that was fast L.G. I only just posted this giveaway. lol.

Unknown said...

No family drama, just fun being together

Swordlily said...

My wish is for peaceful, quiet Christmas :)
Karina V

Kyra Lennon said...

Ah, I do love a giveaway!

Christmas wish? That 2013 continues to be as brilliant as 2012!

Unknown said...

My wish is to be healthy enough to watch my kids grow and meet my grandchildren. I know, so serious. Material wise I would love a programmable coffee maker.

Allie L said...

My christmas wish this year is to get a new laptop :D

Anonymous said...

I hope to spend lots of time with my family, and get a chuck of my thesis done.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Great giveaway!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

oh, my Christmas wish? I'm wishing for a safe and wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

TayteH said...

My wish is to have a white christmas. :D

Krista McLaughlin said...

I love the Christmas season - and giveaway are so much fun!

The one thing I want for Christmas - not something from a store, but my parents and my older sister haven't spoken since she got married and I rarely see her now. I would want them to just forgive and move on so I could have more of my sister in my life. Also, I'd like a miniature pet hippo. :)

Cricket said...

My wish is for a new laptop

Unknown said...

My Christmas wish is win some prizes! LOL And to find a new job! Thanks!

K. A. Last said...

My Christmas wish is to see my family and friends happy. I love how my kids faces light up when they get to open their presents. Not so long ago it was me whose face would light up while my parents looked on, now I get to create the magic for my own children.

K. A. Last said...

My Christmas wish is to see my family and friends happy. I love how my kids faces light up when they get to open their presents. Not so long ago it was me whose face would light up while my parents looked on, now I get to create the magic for my own children.

Unknown said...

My christmas wish is to spend some good time with my family :)

Unknown said...

To spend some good christmas time with my family :)

if this is a double I am sorry

Lacey T said...

My wish this year is for a kindle!

Anonymous said...

My Christmas wish is that everyone has a place to spend the holidays with friends or family, or both.

Amanda Welling said...

Hmm, my Christmas wish is just for everyone I know to be happy!

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i don't have any :)

Janet W. said...

Amazon gift cards so I can buy books for my kindle fire!

Nancy said...

My Christmas wish is for healthy, safety, and prosperity for our family.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

I wish for my family to all be together like we used to for the holidays

Unknown said...

Good health for my family and friends!

Anonymous said...

My Christmas wish is simply that my kids will be happy and realize the true meaning of Christmas!

Unknown said...

My Christmas wish is that since my kids are getting older. I want them to loving giving a gift as much as receiving one.

Dovile said...

More peace at home:)

Ashley turicik said...

My Christmas wish is to have my family all together

Amy Orvin said...

My wish is that people are nicer and more loving to every animal around the world.


Elizabeth H. said...

For everyone to have a great Christmas!

Unknown said...

for everyone to be with the ones they love on xmas day and throughout the year

Unknown said...

Time with family and friends...and good books! Thanks for the giveaway!
Happy Holidays!

Sandra said...

For books love to read :-)

Sandra said...

Books love to read :-)

Sandra said...

For books!

bookjunkee00 said...

For books

Cherry said...

A few of the books in my wishlist :)

fredamans said...

My only wish is that everyone gets along. I could care less about presents for myself. They're nice, don't get me wrong, but it's not about that for me.

Kat said...

My Christmas Wish would be to finally have my house organized, but that'll never happen since the boyfriend and I can never agree on how to organize stuff.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Julie D. said...

My Christmas Wish is for everyone I know to have a great holiday.
Name on rafflecopter: Jay Dee

Gwen Gardner said...

Awesome giveaway! Thanks Caroline:)

Amy Austin said...

To make my Dad cry again this year when he opens the present I'm giving him :D

Joella said...

My Christmas wish is for my family to heal from some things that have happened to us this year!

Thanks so much for chance at an awesome giveaway!!

Christina K. said...

I'd love have a wonderful time with friends:)

crystaley73 said...

Health and Happiness for my family and friends

Alex Liz R. said...

I wish to have good health and weather for traveling!

Unknown said...

My Christmas wish is for a happiness and peace for everyone!

Jillyn said...

My wish is that everyone stays healthy this holiday season. My family has a tendency to face medical emergencies in December -_-

Thanks for the giveaway!

Texas Book Lover said...

Towels & Amazon GCs

illflyawayoneday said...

just to have a great holiday!

Fiza said...

my wish is a kindle for christmas, that would totally rock this and next year. But I know that won't happen.

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Krista said...

I hope Santa brings me a pre-order of Ever After by Kim Harrison. Thanks for the giveaway!

Krista said...

I hope Santa brings me a pre-order of Ever After by Kim Harrison. Thanks for the giveaway!

Tiffany Drew said...

My Christmas wish is for everyone to be happy and safe!

marian said...


Unknown said...

Ugh... I want my gallbladder OUT and I want to get accepted into grad school!

Unknown said...

For Tiger's Voyage by Colleen Houck!

Brenda I said...

To have my family together for the holidays.

Jana said...

piles of books :D

Ashley Morrow said...

My Christmas wish a nice Christmas gathering without the craziness.

Valette M. said...

My Christmas wish is to be home with my family. Board Games, Hot Chocolate, Cheesy movies, all that.

Unknown said...

That my kids have a great christmas.

Anonymous said...

Books! :)

BLHmistress said...

My wish is for my honey to find a job closer to home.

Rafflecopter Name; Dawna Newman

DoingDewey said...

My christmas wish is to have a good time visiting my family!

Unknown said...

To have fun!

Emily said...

My Christmas wish is just to be with my family :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Crazylicious85 said...

Just to be happy and healthy

Allie Lanc

Evie said...

An iPad.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

My wish is to spend more time with my family.

Shelver506 said...

I wish to be in New York by May.

pippirose said...

My Christmas wish is that we stay healthy...and happy.

Unknown said...

For my mom to sell her house.

Jennifer Speed said...

an ipad and to spend time with my family in South Carolina

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! My Christmas wish is for lots of books this year!

Sandra said...

To have a healthy new year and eat lots of food together as a family!

Thank you!

Unknown said...

I'd love a Nook HD or Kindle Fire HD on Christmas.

Anonymous said...

i want an ipad

Sue Sattler said...

My Christmas wish is to have enough money to buy my best friend of 23 years a kindle.

Unknown said...

My wish is for books.

ellepaulette said...

I want to have a happy and peaceful Christmas Holiday!

Kayley said...

I just want to spend time with friends and family.

Unknown said...

I would like to have a few pair of fluffy socks.

Becca F (ReadingTeen) said...

lots of snow!

Kayla Prada said...

My Christmas wish is for my mom to get better!! Thank you for the giveaway!

Kristia said...

My wish is for health and happiness for all of my family and friends! I love them all :)
Thank you for the giveaway.

mareb said...

A job :)

FreakChiq said...

Just to have a happy and peaceful Christmas (and a stack of books would be nice too) :D

mariehahn13 said...

My Christmas wish is for my husband and I, after over 5 years of trying, to finally be pregnant!

Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

songbird1613 at yahoo dot com

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Christmas wish...hmmm... how about a $25 gift card? I'm easy to please ;)

Anne said...

I'm wishing for good weather because I'll be on a cruise.

wwe11 said...

I wish for lots of books.

CrystalGB said...

My wish is to have a happy Christmas spent with family.

Unknown said...

My Christmas wish is for my brother and family to make it home for Christmas Eve. He is in the USA Navy. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I wish to celebrate with both my daughters.
lisa.blogs2 at gmail dot com

Tanya said...

To get lots of gift cards so I can buy lots of books and support the authors who write them :)
my1lulabug at yahoo dot com

DANIELA said...

My Chistma wish is for my family to be united and healthy

Gaby G said...

Health and Happiness :D

magabygc at gmail.com

Unknown said...

My wish is that I can get a job soon.
amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Cassandra! :D said...

I wish to have so much time to read over Christmas break that I can read the book(s) I have to for school, as well as many, many books I want to :)

Lisa Mandina said...

I'm really hoping to get a new puppy!

Jessica @ Books: A true story said...

My christmas wish is to see my kids smiling and happy on Christmas morning :)

Kim said...

My Christmas wish is just to simply have a nice uneventful Christmas.

Oh and have time to read tons of books.

Kim said...

My Christmas wish is just to have a nice, fun, uneventful Christmas with my family.

Oh and to find time to read a lot of books. :)

Munnaza said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway! I'm hoping to get into the college of my dreams... though a few awesome good books would do too. Happy holidays!

Nay Nay said...

My Christmas wish this year is to win the lottery so I can help out my family in these tough economic times. A more realistic wish is for gift cards. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

To spend lots of time with my family!

May said...

lots of books!

Doodle said...

Snow! It's been too warm so far this winter and it's just not Christmas without snow.

Stephanie Ann said...

I'd love a new camera!

ann lyfe

Beatriz Guadron said...

My Christmas wish.... to have a nice Christmas, no drama or fighting. Other than that, I hope I receive some new books! :)

deasuluna said...

To have a nice quiet Christmas at home with my family!!

Emmanuelle Gaucher said...

My Christmas wish is to received my NOA-2....which is a step in my fiancee visa to get married!


scottsgal said...

B&N gift card
msboatgal at aol.com

Tiff Pull said...

My Christmas wish is to have someone come and clean my house.

Melisa said...

Happiness for my family!

Michele said...

That everyone is healthy

Allie said...

Books :)

steve weber said...

an ipad or a tablet would be great.

Unknown said...

Just for my kids to have a good christmas =)

Ace5123 said...

My wish for Christmas is a safe trip and many great moments with family.

throuthehaze said...

My wish is for a stress free Christmas day :)

MELINA said...

christmas wish is to get a new printer

Kia89 said...

My Christmas wish is to see my family and friends happy.

Rich Morris said...

My Christmas Wish is to be able to spend it w/my kids

Wolfswan1 said...

To be happy with my family, and that 2013 will be better than 2012.

peg42 said...

For my family to be healthy and happy.
Thanks so much.

Mysharona said...

i wish my kids to have a happy holiday

clc408 said...

My wish is good health and happiness for my friends and family.

hhkaufman78 said...

To go visit my family in NC

eg kaufman

Ann Fantom said...

I would like an iPad Mini

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My Christmas wish is for my family to have a healthy and happy holiday and New Year.

kim h said...

All I want is for everyone to be happy at Christmas...presents or not

Literary Winner said...

I hope and wish that we're all well for the holidays!

maggie at literary winner dot com

carol said...

my wish for Christmas is a happy and healthy year especially for the birth of my daughters twins in the spring

zapkode.marie said...

All I want is to see all three of my kids excited when they open their presents. :)

J Whitus said...

For my girls to have a good Christmas and to understand the true reason for the season.

Suz Reads said...

My Christmas wish is to feel healthy enough to enjoy visiting with my family! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

CindyWindy2003 said...

to be with my family and everyone have a good time, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Katy said...

My Christmas Wish is a good health and happiness to all my family and friends ! Thanks for the giveaway !

Jennifer said...

My Christmas wish is that I'll get to see all my out of town family


Unknown said...

Right now I'm wishing for a white Christmas. Hoping to get some snow this year.
Thanks for the giveaway.

jlmk said...

My wish is for my baby to continue on this healthy path.

Cassandra said...

My wish would be for my mom to get better because she has cancer
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Booklover Sue said...

I wish for gift cards to amazon, walmart and our local gas station. I am on strict monthly budget so any of these gift cards or others helps with that.

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Sarah S said...

I hope to be able to visit my family. s2inamug at aim dot com

Megan Parsons said...

My wish for Christmas is for more people to celebrate it because of Jesus!!!

Jody said...

I suppose I should wish for world peace but I would like a hardcover copy of Beautiful Disaster that's signed.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing monetary I really want this year. I just hope for all my friends and family to be safe and healthy. I think once we get older, physical things become less important.

Thanks so much for being a part of the hop and for the amazing giveaway.

Merry Christmas,

Barbara Montag said...

My Christmas wish is simply that our family is all together, in good health and has a good time.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

For my son to enjoy his first semester at college.

Anonymous said...

My wish for Christmas is that 2013 will be a bettter year than 2012.
Bonnie Hilligoss/bonhill@speakeasy.net

Kristen said...

My wish is to get together with all my friends and family.

Brandi Slater said...

My xmas wish is to have some money in my pocket after the holidays lol Thanks for the giveaway! Happy Holidays!

mk said...

I just want to spend my Christmas with my family... and if I get some books as presents that would be awesome! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Michelle Sedeño said...

If I'd wish for my bookish life, I'd like to have the books I've been dying to read and an e-reader would be really awesome!

Filia Oktarina said...

All family happy and good health :)
thanks for giveaway.

Veronika said...

Books of course :D

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

A job!

Holly said...

My wish is to catch up on sleep!

Crystal said...

I'd looooooove a new camera!
CrystalW07 at aol.com

Kaci Verdun said...

For my husband, who works overseas, to get a job back here in the US!

Kaci Verdun said...

For my husband, who works overseas, to get a job back here in the US!

Unknown said...

I wish for Barnes and Noble gift cards:)
Thanks for the giveaway!

miki said...

for all my family to be happy and healthy ( and i would like books from my wishlist)

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Health for the family and to pass my tough exams next year!! Thanks!

raffle name: Nikki O

Alexandru Rusu said...

My wish is to have a new laptop!

Jeanette J said...

My wish is that my father can spend one last Christmas with us

Juana said...

My Christmas wish is that my family & friends have a happy and blessed holidays.


Debra Guillen said...

new laptop (Debra L. Guillen)

mkjmc said...

Rught now it is prayers for all those parents in NEwtown CT>

Anonymous said...

Good health and happiness for me and my family

ebaker said...

for my son to stay healthy!

Leah CB said...

For my family to get along & all of us be together.

Maureen said...

My wish is for health and happiness for my family.

Kylie Carlson said...

That my sister-in-law's pregnancy continues without complications!

Jen Haile said...

I wish for a happy and healthy family!

Alexju said...

My Christmas wish is for my family to be happy

Unknown said...

My christmas wish is books, books and more books!!

Unknown said...

for all my family n friends to be happy and well

Unknown said...

for all my family n friends to be happy and well

jakiesmom said...


Anonymous said...

I got my wish - I finally got a job this year

Sherry Compton said...

I would love to go visit my grand kids


Tina B said...

I have a massage on my wishlist. :)
And of course, books!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Thank you for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

My Christmas wish is for a thousand more wishes :P

Cheryl said...


Ileana A. said...

Health to all my family.

dookiepookiebear said...

i just want people to be happy.

Maya TheBee said...

My wish is to have a great Christmas with everyone I love!

sweepmom said...

I really want a new camera bag.

Pinky Sade said...

my wish is to have time well spent with family

LisaILJ said...

My Christmas wish is that my Grandmother has a wonderful last Christmas and she is feeling healthy enough to enjoy it.

Rita Wray said...

My wish is for health and happiness for my family.


Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Selfish wish - an ipad
Otherwise - peace on earth - no violence

book queen said...

I wish I knew who are my real friends

*Jam* said...

My Christmas wish is for everyone I love to be happy!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

kyl neusch said...

time with family

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C.M. Brown's books on Goodreads
He Came For Me He Came For Me (The Protector, #1)
reviews: 19
ratings: 20 (avg rating 3.30)

He Came for Mine He Came for Mine (The Protector, #2)
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ratings: 3 (avg rating 3.67)