She has asked for the participants to share stories about someone or something they have had to let go in their lives. Asking to express their feelings about the event.
If this is too personal, posting a piece of Flash Fiction is acceptable.
I have decided to share a personal story, so here goes....
When I was in my early twenties, I believed I was deeply in love. The magic between us was intense. This was one relationship before I met the man I married.
I travelled with this person in a beat up old Kombie and shared a nomadic lifestyle during the three years we were together. We enjoyed the perfect relationship (if there is such a thing), and an easy going lifestyle.
At one point in our travels, we were forced to find jobs as the money came to an end. I found a job with the Health Department, but my love had difficulty obtaining employment.
This was when the relationship started to break down, the fantasy came to an end and reality set in. After a time of unemployment he pursued a job at the mines, which meant long periods apart, so we decided to break up, and after some heartbreak, I let him go!
Sounds like a great relationship to have, in one's youth. No pressure, just having fun together. Although like you said, "the fantasy had to come to an end" and it is very hard when you have to let go, when you still cared about him. Nice entry Carolyn!
Reality stinks. But I hope now that the heartbreak has passed, the memory of the happy time together is a treasured memory - not everyone gets to experience that kind of bliss with another person, you know?
Letting go of relationships is one of the hardest things to do! (Don't worry you really aren't the only one who used a personal story ;) )
Thanks for being a part of the bloghop!
Letting go is never easy and you had a wonderful time in the beginning and presumably great memories.
Oh, intense love is a hard thing to let go. But you did and eventually met and married the right one for you.
But you did find someone else to share your life with!
sounds like you made the right decision for you both. Thanks for sharing your story.
Wow, that is a strong love to have survived those 3 years on the road. I can't imagine how hard it was to be apart after being so close for so long.
Letting go of certain relationships is so hard, but we grow stronger from it. Thanks for sharing!
Letting go of that first love can be tough. I'm glad I didn't end up with mine. My life would be so different.
I know how hard it is to let go of relationships, so I thank you for sharing this with us.
Thanks for sharing your story. It must've hurt to let go of someone you had the "perfect relationship" with.
Sometimes it's just not meant to be. Sounds like it was a horrible decision to have to make, but turned out well in the end, as you found your husband afterwards!
That must have been so difficult. Letting go of first love is never easy... I know. But at least you did have wonderful times together.
Thanks for sharing, Carolyn.
I always love that first "we're so happy and invincible stage" that I'm so scared of that, "No, this is reality, and this is what we have to deal with" stage. I'm glad you were happy, and I'm glad you said the letting go with an exclamation. It sounds like it was for the best :)
Sounds like you have some great memories to hold on to. Thanks for sharing!
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