I would like to firstly give a big Gram Mercy, (thanks) to Mary today for accepting my offer to participate in the 2014 jousting tournament. Below you will find a small discussion of the many feats capable by my honourable knight, Sir Mist and links to my published works. Also Included is a peak at a new dystopian, sci-fi novel I am working on, which I hope to release in the later half of next year, "The Forces of Mist."
Make sure you use any of the
highlighted words among this text in your comments, to help Sir Mist gain
points in the joust and as a gift for taking part in this tournament, just by
leaving your comments on M. Pax’s site, one person will be chosen by the mighty
Mary to be given one ebook copy of both my published works.

Rumour has suggested he has influence over the elements, as
many a time in the jousting arena, a strange brown coloured mist has been known to spread from the thickets,
causing his opponents distress and giving him an advantage!
No one really knows whether Sir Mist fights for the side of the righteous or if deep in his
heart of hearts he is truly an evil soul.
There are also whispers among the peasants that Sir Mist is not from this world, but
has ventured here from the stars. Surely the rumours cannot be true? Could it
be possible?
No one knows the true answer. All that is known is this
dark knight is a mighty opponent who can call upon the elements to gain power
to his advantage. To be able to watch his mighty feats in person, one would be mesmerized by his courage and amazed by his abilities to succeed.
Forces of Mist
By C.M. Brown
To be released late
"Forces of Mist" is dystopian
sci-fi, set in a futuristic Sydney, Australia.
An alien force has almost annihilated
the human inhabitants of Earth, but a determined group survives and now battle
a fierce enemy to regain what was once theirs. Forces of Mist is a New Adult,
Dystopian, Sci-fi set in a future time in the vicinity of Sydney,
Australia. Sarah, a survivor of the original battle, is now part of the human
resistance, fighting for survival on a daily basis, while battling an alien
enemy, set on conquering all of mankind.
On a scouting mission she encounters a
lone Mist Warrior who for an unknown reason saves her from certain death,
when the vehicle she is driving plummets over the edge of a cliff, after losing
traction on a gravel road. Using his mist, the warrior takes control of the vehicle and maneuvers it safely back onto the road.
Sarah is surprised to find herself feeling an attraction for this sworn enemy and becomes drawn to his seductive playfulness.
Sarah is surprised to find herself feeling an attraction for this sworn enemy and becomes drawn to his seductive playfulness.
Other books by C.M. Brown
Carolyn Brown
Good luck, Carolyn! It's you and me today.
Yes, I certainly have a challenge on my hands, being chosen to compete against you, Alex.
I've been enjoying your smack talk, Carolyn. :) Good job. You're competing against all the knights. So you have until Friday to score points.
Good job Carolyn!
I'll be casting my lot for Sir Mist this tourney. May he do me proud! :)
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