Today, I have the pleasure to present an excerpt from Crystal Collier's new release, "Soulless," the second book in the series,
Maiden of Time.
I have to say that I love the cover! It really looks great!
I hope you enjoy the excerpt and don't forget to add Soulless to your Goodreads, TBR list.
To celebrate, Crystal has book 1, Moonless available for free
October 13, 20, 27,31 and Nov 7,
(Mondays, Halloween and the last day of the Blog Tour)
Help Crystal out by spreading the word!
Also, make sure you enter the rafflecopter draw for your chance to win some really great prizes.

Series: Maiden of Time
Author: Crystal Collier
Pages: 263
Pub Date: October 13, 2014
Publisher: Raybourne Publishing
ISBN: 9781629830032
The Soulless are coming.
Alexia manipulated time to save the man of her dreams, and lost her best friend to red-eyed wraiths. Still grieving, she struggles to reconcile her loss with what was gained: her impending marriage. But when her wedding is destroyed by the Soulless—who then steal the only protection her people have—she’s forced to unleash her true power.
And risk losing everything.
What reviewers are saying:
"5 Stars." - Invincible Love of Reading Book Blog
"I LOVED it! So good. Seriously...exceeded my expectations." -Kristin Smith, advanced reviewer
"Entirely unique and chilling." Gabby @ What’s Beyond Forks
"Unputdownable." T.C. Mckee, BookFish Books
Kiren lay, unmoving except for the slow rise and fall of his chest. His pendant bulged beneath his coat. No harm could come of examining it closer while he slept, could it? He might never know, and Alexia was dying to understand its importance.
She pulled back the curtain, sending a stream of light across his comatose body. She neared slowly and glanced again at the open door. To close it, to isolate them...
She knelt. The cool buttons loosed easily beneath her fingers and his coat fell back. The charm had found its way between his vest and thin shirt. She touched the chain tentatively, sliding along its length, gliding toward the treasure beneath his waistcoat...
Fingers seized hers.
She jumped.
Fierce blue eyes sought hers beneath lowered brows, the purest night sky littered by a sea of stars. She looked away, furtively.
“Are you undressing me?” he whispered.
“What?” Her cheeks flamed. She backed away.
Kiren rolled onto his elbow and pressed off the floor, stumbling. Alexia reached to steady him as he propped against one of the bed’s four posters. He shook off the dizziness and pulled her close.
Her breath caught. The press of his hands on her back, the heat of his body so near hers, the aroma of his oaken musk...
Her heart thumped like a rabbit’s, and she couldn’t help thinking very soon he would be hers.
She couldn’t meet his stare. “Kiren, I-I was not attempting to—”
A finger landed across her lips as he probed her gaze. His eyebrows tightened. He released her.
“Shall I assist you?” He slipped out of his coat.
She gasped. “Kiren!”
He chuckled, unbuttoning his waistcoat.
Alexia could not believe what he was doing and she couldn’t look away. He wouldn’t honestly undress before her and chance such overwhelming temptation, would he?
The waistcoat dropped to the floor, leaving a thin shirt to veil his chest. His pendant sat atop, a flattened pewter diamond with symbols etched across the surface like calligraphy-styled runes. A larger Z with a cross stroke and rounded tail engraved its center, encircled by a ring of smaller characters.
“So, which is it that has you?” His head tilted.
She staggered backward and landed on the bed, her headache thumping dully. Each of his arms propped by her sides, his alluring lips hovering within inches.
“The necklace or the man?”
Author Bio:

You can find her on her Blog, Facebook, Goodreads, or follow her on Twitter.
Congratulations, Crystal!
I love this scene!
Congrats, Crystal! I love seeing Soulless everywhere! :D
Thanks a ton, Alex.
Fantastic excerpt. Congrats to Crystal!
This is my favorite excerpt.
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